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I have 4 passions in life - things that I know a lot about. I'm a walking library of Cinema, Modern Art, Cats and Geo-political politics.  The first 3 are where I'm myself, a creative and upbeat soul, a card carrying member of our human family - the last one - geopolitical issues is where I get to be a world class, vindictive, revenge seeking motherfucker to all my political enemies (namely,all things politically/socially neoliberal/right wing, which is why I've finally left the corrupt Democratic Party - forever - I've had enough of there crap - their unwavering support for Apartheid [state] Israel for committing out and out genocide was the very last straw - I've had enough - "here is our journey's end"). 

I first caught Covid-19 around 2 weeks after it was officially declared an epidemic - I've had it 4 times since (as of this sitting, October 12, 2024). 

I never was one for food, I eat to maintain my well earned muscle mass - 200 grams of protein a day.  Since that time I've lost not just what little appetite (and sense of taste) that I had - along with it 28 lbs of lean muscle mass.  Anywho - I'm on the recovery path now - I still look like total crap in these photos - I'm 30% of what I was 4 years ago,I'm about 180 lbs now.  Covid-19 seems to find me wherever I go - It's my news worst enemy.  It's to me like that Diana Ross record - Good Morning, Heartache ("you ol' gloomy sight, good morning heartache, thought we said goodbye last night?  I tossed and turned until it seemed, you had gone, but here you are with the dawn"...and so on). 


If all goes as planned (when does that ever occur?) in 28 weeks I'll be back where I started - 206 lbs of lean muscle - done all natural. 


All these cats dropping dead from "additives" you'd think that would be a wake-up call to take a pass - but, no, these young cats look at YouTube video's of guys lying to them about being natural and say, "I wanna look like that,too, consequences be damned.  I know mentally what they're going through, looking at yourself in the mirror and not liking what you see after 30/40 hours a week in the gym grinding it out to look a certain way, but for me if it isn't earned the natural way I wouldn't like what I saw in the mirror knowing it was fake.   The only thing I've ever taken that's on WADA's List of banned substances is DHEA - which at the time I took it I didn't know it was on their banned substances list - hell, I brought it over the counter for $6 at Walmart.  Anywho, I'm on a mad mission to get my physique back to 2020 shape. 


"There are many events, in the womb of time - yet to be delivered".       

24,492 days as of October 12, 2024 - 67 years on this Flat Earth (Yes, it's as flat as a pancake and I can prove it) with another 50 to go - I'm gonna live to be 117.

Committee to Elect Allen Rheinhart
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