The Imbecilic,destructive leadership of the Democratic Party can/will lead to the end of Humanity "if" Vice President Kamala Harris is elected President of our American Republic.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the strength that knowledge gives". - Human Trafficker and 4th President of the United States, James Madison
Sit it Out - Nevada - 2024
I'm posting this for Democratic Nevada voters and independent Nevada voters only. The entirety of my life I have been a Democrat but this is not a party that I wish to be associated with one more second longer - they've turned into something out of a horror movie - a party,"horribly stuffed with epithets of war". (I'll get to my current situation at the end of this. I did not withdraw from the senate race - I was "withdrawn" by the criminality of the LVMPD at the direction of the Democratic Party/ the Israeli Apartheid State/AIPAC - lawsuits on the way). This Democratic Party no longer represent the interests of the working class and ordinary citizens that made up the Democratic Party of the 1930s with FDR's New Deal, and now they unabashedly do the bidding of the global elites that rule and dictate policy. And a war party,to boot. I'm finished with them, and if you're a lifelong Democrat, you should be as well -"here,is our journey's end." From a morally bankrupt [and possibly criminal] Jacky Rosen to Indicted Dem. Congressman Henry Cuellar,to convicted on all counts, Dem. Senator Bob Menendez,and recently indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams - the Democratic Party has gone to the dogs.
Vice president Kamala Harris is a candidate for president that you as a Democratic voter in Nevada didn't vote for in the primary. The party apparatus has decided for you without your consent. She is an inept, imbecilic woman, entirely incapable of leading the American Republic at this critical point in our history on both the domestic and geopolitical fronts.
In this video - you'll witness what an incredibly intelligent, geo-politically engaged, compassionate [black] woman that is the leader of a nation - with a quality skill set brings to our human family dynamic in this third millennium of our human family - she is everything that Kamala Harris - isn't. Her name is Mia Mottley - Prime Minister of Barbados. On the floor on the United Nations Prime Minister Mottley checks this genocidal, lowlife, women and children killing monster for using the Bible to justify genocide.
A Kamala Harris presidency will be faced with geopolitical challenges insurmountable for her skill set - which is solely as a cop, and a incompetent one at that. Outside of being a cop she has no skill set whatsoever to govern our American republic. Harris could not tell you where Russia was on the map nor tell you anything about the Russian Federation that she learned on her own.
She's not a critical thinker by any stretch of the imagination and the many, most pressing irredentist/revanchist issues of our time (in particular the genocidal acts of apartheid state Israel in Gaza, the West Bank and now in Lebanon, The war between Russia and Ukraine, the China-Taiwan eventual unification issue,the India-China 'Line of Actual Control', India-Pakistan 'Line of Control,' The DPRK/North Korea-South Korea Demilitarized Zone - just to name these issues) she is incapable of wrapping her head around any of these matters to find solutions to end them. Housed within any of these particular issues I've mentioned is the capacity to go to full blown warfare, nuclear warfare even - at the drop of a hat.
She houses no sense of herself which means she'll staff her cabinet with people like ardent Zionist Antony Blinken, Jake "the snake" Sullivan (a moral degenerate that belongs in rubber room) Angela Stent (a degenerate woman that says we should continue to fiscally support Ukraine because the money we give them will come right back to us to make weaponry) The current Chief White House Counsel,Edward Siskel is not only ardent Zionist fanatic he's a Russian hater as are many other neocon-ish faux Democrats she'll bring into the government to advise her on foreign policy matters of which she has no clue (many will be from Edmond Walsh School of Foreign Service - as did Obama call upon them because he, too,had no geo-political sense of himself) all of whom are virulent Russian Federation haters - to a one - that will have our nation is a nuclear nightmare that is sure to end with a nuclear strike on the American mainland - Nevada in particular as we house the most important air base in the nation, that being Nellis Air Force Base - the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center, the largest and most demanding advanced air combat training mission in the world.
What rational leadership of another nation at war with the United States - in possession of nuclear weapons also (Russia,China or North Korea) wouldn't attack this massive facility in the center of the Las Vegas Valley - first to prevent a retaliatory strike? To not do so would be the height of military incompetence on their part - and I assure you [that] the Russian military is anything but incompetent. The Russian Federation has 5,500 nuclear weapons of varying nuclear yields. That means certain death for the entirety of our Valley - 3 million Nevadans dead - "and those that survive will envy the dead".
The reality is we're currently at war with the Russian Federation,the term "proxy war" left the room when we gave Ukraine the weaponry needed to fire long range missiles into the actual Russian Federation via F-16's that have the ability - when modified to do so - to deliver a nuclear weapon.
Currently the Security Council of the Russian Federation under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin have changed their first strike doctrine in regards to using nuclear weapons if the sovereignty of the Russian Federation is threatened as is currently the case in the city of Kursk. They would be well within their rights to use tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian forces who have crossed the border into the Russian Federation just to create mayhem.
Everybody that anybody within the leadership of the Russian Federation, from Deputy-Chairman of the Security Council, and former president and Prime Minister,Dmitry Medvedev,Federal Council Chairwoman,Valentina Matviyenko,Duma speaker,Vyacheslav Volodin,Foreign Minister,Sergey Lavrov have all warned us at one time or another of the suicidal consequences of this warped plan of inflicting a so-called "strategic defeat" on the Russian Federation via the use of this proxy, neo-nazi regime in Ukraine to facilitate it. This Deputy Foreign Minister - a hardliner, Alexander Grushko sincerely believes that NATO is preparing for war with the Russian Federation. And this highly respected man who has the attention of the leadership of the Russian Federation,Sergei Karaganov,wrote this back in June of 2023. The first American soldiers to land in Europe to fight Nazism was on the 26th of January, 1942 - that would mean any of them that are still living would be 98 at the very least - far too old and too few living to come out in droves against sending billions of dollars to Ukraine after first hand witnessing their buddies die at the hands of Nazi's, many of who were Ukrainian Nazi's of which they celebrate openly til this very day (104,812 dead American soldiers, 552,117 American casualties). There should be an uproar from Americans who lost relatives or who were maimed for life from WWII for giving billions to such a nation - Ukraine should not be given another cent of American taxpayers dollars for this last cause of defeating the Russian Federation on the battlefield - the notion was absurd from day one - they had no chance then ,or now, no matter how many billions they're sent along with whatever weapons systems - Bradley tanks, F-16's/35's, etc.
And Yes, The Russians love their children every bit as much as you love yours. This Russia hating madness that has infected the Occident Nations needs to end - now.
In her debate with "degenerate' Donald Trump Vice President Harris said that if Vladimir Putin had his way he'd be sitting in Kiev which to me, knowing better, shows the extent of her purposeful political ignorance. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has zero,I repeat zero designs on resurrecting the former Soviet Union - in any incarnation.
This is a highly incompetent woman that no Democrat voter in America voted for to be president. Harris was selected for you as a democratic voter in fact when she ran for president back in 2020 she dropped out before she got to her own home state of California - the biggest prize in the Democratic primary that would have reinvigorated her candidacy were she to have won California - but knowing that she'd lose her own home state, thus have her political career would have been circling the drain she dropped out prior to the California primary (here). Kamala Harris is a political hustler of the very worst kind, a political opportunist that will do and say anything she thinks you wanna hear.
And in so far as the war in Gaza is concerned - and now the invasions into Lebanon by Israel - if you support her then you are the reason why hundreds of thousands of people even millions in the Middle East will lose their lives - their blood will be on your hands up to your elbows because with your vote you gave her the ability to be where she is, when where she actually needs to be is retirement from politics - entirely. Do not support this imbecilic woman (who's black when she needs to be, Indian when she needs to be). Don't allow your very deep seated contempt for the morally bankrupt, degenerate Trump (a contempt I share with you) to put the blood of millions on your hands - including your own blood and that of your family if this entirely irresponsible,imbecilic woman were to be at the helm of the American republic at this critical stage in geopolitical affairs the world over. As far as the presidential race is concerned, if there isn't another candidate on the Nevada ballot (as they've locked out others) and the only two choices are a morally bankrupt,degenerate conman in Trump and a politically inept, imbecilic,political opportunist in a giggling Harris - I ask that you sit it out - don't vote for a presidential candidate at all.
And regarding the Genocidal, Apartheid State of Israel - what right does this murderous nation of 7.2 million Zionists fanatics have to set a region of humanity on fire housing 475 million Muslims totally opposed to their actions? Have we as Nevadans taken leave of our own collective senses to support candidates like Kamala Harris - as well as my opponent Jacky Rosen that will give Israel the green light to set the world aflame? Zionist Senator Jacky Rosen flew into Israel to show her unwavering support for the genocide that was to come after October 6.
In regards to my current Candidacy for the US Senate, 2024:
Repeating, I did not withdraw I was withdrawn by a government apparatus. I have contacted the FBI, the Attorney General of Nevada, Aaron Ford (who told me that federal election interference isn't his job) and several human rights commissions and I will continue to do so.
I've also contacted the Nevada Secretary of State to no avail and plan to sue as Robert F Kennedy Jr did in District Court in Nevada to be on the November ballot. And if none of this remedies the situation I asked that you vote "None of These Candidates" in the Nevada Senate Race as a default position on the November ballot as your vote for me. Let "None of These Candidates" in the Nevada Senate race be for Allen Rheinhart and let it be known statewide to vote as such is a vote for Allen Rheinhart, the Independent Candidate - 21st name down the list that was illegally removed from the election process. You can help with legal fees to get on the ballot - here.
Since 2014, when I made my first entrance into the political arena here in Las Vegas, I've drawn the attention of political elements deeply opposed to my Democratic-Socialist politics. Initially, they thought I'd go away - not that I was just getting started. I've been denied my passport,told by the State Department to prove I'm an American in ways that are absurd - as I obtained my first passport when I was 12 for an 8 day class trip to France. I've had a passport since then, renewed it many times since - but after I started my political sojourn [then] all of a sudden I needed proof that I was a native born American (I was born in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,in 1957).
I'm regarded by the government of the United States as an internal dissident for my political views to be closely monitored. My phone is bugged, I've had my websites hacked many times,text messages on my phone deleted,my gmail account emails intercepted and removed (I've sent some from gmail to myself that took days to arrive if at all, and even the dates they were sent changed) - I'm not sure if I'm on the no-fly list as I haven't caught a plane in 3 years. I'm not a jailed dissident but I'm sure that's on the planning board, too. I'll keep posting the situation,I will do a series of Tik-Tok videos in a week or so on this situation as well.
Stay Tuned.
My Public Political Bio in Print