Predatory Capitalism/Neoliberalism VS. Democratic Socialism's Value System
A "Living Wage" is $22.20 an hour
"Knowledge will FOREVER govern ignorance and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the strength that knowledge gives." - Human trafficker & 4th president of the republic of the United States of America - James Madison
My dad, Merion Rheinhart, was a laborer in the construction industry. He was a member of the Laborers' International Union of North America, Local Union 332 of Philadelphia, Pa; located 1310 Wallace Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. I come from a family of ALL American labor union people - my older brother (Ronald) was a union man, as well as All of my uncles (it was my dad who instilled in me my love of progressive domestic issues politics/foreign policy issues
(here). I'll be
THE most pro-labor union senator in the history of the American republic -
ALL of your issues will be my issues - my TOP PRIORITY. A senator that YOU sent to Washington, D.C., to represent your many interests - not the interests of the wealthy.
Simply "Follow The Money" and you'll clearly see that Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto does not work for your interests - at all - her paymasters are the ruling class of this nation - that profit (to the tune of trillions) from your sweat equity. $22,000.000 + in campaign contributions from some of THE most parasitic people/corporations on earth? You'd expect this from a Republican senator, but, to see a Democrat senator so wholly owned and operated should leave you staggering backwards (if it doesn't I don't know where your mind is).
Without the political heterodoxy that is 'Democratic-Socialism' American workers will NEVER-EVER achieve the financial success due to them for all their efforts.
Each and every "Essential Worker" who put up their very lives (many of whom are no longer with us - 10,000 plus lost souls in Nevada) that the rest of us lived in safety and comfort during the Covid-19 pandemic (from Feb 17, 2020 til this very day) deserve financial compensation - and I'll go (if you vote for me) to D.C. to make sure that you get just compensation for your many sacrifices - that you can bet on. Whatever trivial fiscal gains you're made pre-pandemic - INFLATION is going to devour every last penny of those gains.
Workers (Essential and otherwise) are quitting/walking away from dead-end jobs by the millions that don't fit their life needs - good for you. Keep doing it until you find what's best suited for your life - you don't own predatory capitalism a thing - they owe you ($880.00 a week for a 40 hour week) and until you get what's rightfully yours keep it up.
And in regard to virulently anti-union companies like Amazon - not one red penny of the American tax payer's dollars should Amazon or any other companies like them be given - not one penny more - and Senator Bernie Sanders letter to President Biden hits the nail on the head (here). Send me to fight alongside Bernie and Elizabeth Warren for a better life for yourselves, your family and friends. Bernie play nice - me, I don't play so nice, when it comes to politics - I left being a gentlemen at home.
Essential workers are the lifeblood of the American economy (the largest economy in the world) yet are the lowest paid in the western world. Without them there would be no America. It is absolutely unconscionable, malevolent even that THE most Essential of Workers in Nevada are paid 'slave wages' - are these people serious - $9.50 an hour - then get FOXNews to boast about it like they did you a favor? Inflation, food prices, gas prices - and rent prices (the rent increases are on another page entirely - they're going to devour what little financial gain$ you did make).
Important Update - March 25 2022:
And if you are an essential worker here in Nevada being taken advantage of by the IRS I will personally go to bat for you with them. in me (as your US Senator) you will find the most pro-union senator in the history of the American republic.
I know how important tips are to your bottom line, that your tips are down 75- 80% since the start of the pandemic and it's unconscionable for the IRS to arbitrarily up the rate back to the pre pandemic level.
Update: May 12, 2022 - Senator Bernie Sanders introduces "Medicare for All" with 14 other US Senators - Catherine Cortez-Masto ISN'T one of them. Her behavior is truly unconscionable.
Across the nation there are countless Americans who risked their lives and the lives of their families daily, to see to it that those of us who survived COVID-19 (and those who didn't) were kept alive and well through the last 2 years of this madness. The front-line doctors and nursing are to be commended for their many daily sacrifices - many of whom have fallen sick themselves and many have died treating patients with COVID-19. And, just as they're risking life and limb daily - many are being compensated outside of their regular salaries. Registered Nurses are being asked to come to many states across the country with offers of $10,000 a week plus housing.
If by the time I get to the US Senate, and no one else in the Senate sponsors a bill to have every front-line worker risking that same life and limb to be given hazard pay [compensation] I certainly will sponsor the bill on the instant. Many essential worker Nevadans are lucky to even be alive to read this. We know that the majority of front-line workers are black and brown people - whose lives are no less valuable - and are the first to die from COVID-19........from grocery clerks, migrant workers in the fields, food deliverers, those migrants workers in the meat factories keeping us fed - to sanitation workers keeping us from being sickened by overflowing trash - and all those essential workers in-between - too numerous to name, many were working during the height of the COVID-19 virus without the necessary PPE's during the first months of the pandemic to protect themselves from the deadly COVID-19 virus - that has killed nearly 1,000,000 Americans - the unofficial death toll is even higher - sadly, over 10,000 of the dead were our fellow Nevadans.

If you're an essential worker of one kind or another I'll introduce legislation in the Senate to see to it you're compensated for risking your lives for the benefit of us all (I'll propose $25,000 each if elected to the U.S, Senate). We owe you all a debt of deeper gratitude than a mere, 'Thank You' - and I'll go to to the senate on your behalf to make sure that you get it. Unlike our senior senator, Cat Masto, who who refuses to co-sponsor a letter to President Biden signed by 21 Democrat senators asking for recurring stimulus checks throughout the pandemic - which is far from 'in our rear view mirrors' - so, by the absence of her signature to this letter to the president, Cat Masto says, 'you don't need another stimulus check, not now, not ever again." Let's vote to vote out Catherine Cortez-Masto - she's just another of the 98% of neoliberal politicians in D.C.
The meaning of Socialism (here)
According to the Department of Homeland Security these are the people who are "Essential Workers;"
- Food and Agriculture
- Those working in a grocery store, pharmacy, some restaurant workers, farmers, food processing workers, food truck delivery drivers, company cafeterias, and the food and beverage industries.
- Transportation
- Those in the areas of aviation, air-traffic, dispatchers, warehouse workers, truck and rest stop employees, maritime, mass transit, freight, and postal.
- Paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and 911 call center workers.
- Chemical Section
- Those working in laboratories, pharmaceuticals, distribution facilities, transportation of raw chemical materials to producers of goods, and manufacturing plants.
- Energy
- Telecommunication, engineers, cyber-security, natural gas/propane workers and utility personnel.
- Commercial Facilities
- Those in motion picture studios, broadcast media, motels, hotels, stadiums, zoos, museums, casinos, real estate, shopping malls, and professional sports.
- Financial Services
- Employees residing in banks and other financial/lending offices.
- Healthcare and Public Health
- Communications/ Information Technology
- Critical Manufacturing
- Those who manufacture products for any of the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors.
- Government Facilities
- Dams
- Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste
- Transportation Those in the areas of aviation, air-traffic, dispatchers, warehouse workers, truck and rest stop employees, maritime, mass transit, freight, and postal.
- Water and Wastewater
- Defense Industrial Base
- Those supporting the U.S. military via manufacturing, production, IT, security, intelligence, mechanics, engineers, and intelligence support.
Links to Cat Masto's lack of concern at this critical time in our nation's history: No More Cat Masto