"that we may prevent its repetition".
Let us all be reminded of the late Simon Wiesenthal. In an interview he'd done once when a reporter asked him of his deep commitment to tracking down Nazi war criminals and asked him what was behind his deep commitment, motivations that as he grew older his determination hadn't waned - and he responded with six simple words, "that we may prevent its repetition".
With every fiber of my being as Nevada's [junior] US Senator, I will work tirelessly to get these four men in a cage where they belong for the remainder of their days on this earth. These are four of the lowest human beings to walk our planet in the third millennium of our human family. An any American politician that supports Apartheid [state] Israel is equally as vile. Nevada [zionist] Senator, Jacky Rosen is but one of this kind.
ICC chief prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders
Apartheid [state] Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu & Minister of National Security Itamar Ben- Gvir.
Apartheid [state] Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant
Apartheid [state] Israeli President Isaac Herzog
Apartheid [state] Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant & National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, they're all going to die in Slobodan Milosevic's old jail cell if the citizens of the state of Nevada send me to the US Senate to represent their collective moral repulsion at what we're witnessing occurring in Palestine.
If the citizenry of the state of Nevada sends me to Washington DC to be their representative this will be my number one priority on day one.
They are guilty of War Crimes, Crime Against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity.
These four are just the start.
At the Nuremberg trials [of 1946] the world watched as the entirety of the German leadership that prosecuted the war, one after the other were convicted of war crimes and subsequently executed one after the other - on the very same day in 1946 within minutes of one another - hung by the neck til dead. Our human family -in this lifetime - allowed this to happen before and the chief criminal [Suharto] went unpunished. Suharto's Genocidal War Crimes - as with Apartheid [state] Israel Suharto's war crimes were done with American military assistance, much as we see today with Apartheid [state] Israel by the Biden administration.
If we are to, "prevent its repetition" these four war criminals must be put on trial for what we've witnessed with our own two eyes. The evidence of war crimes is irrefutable.
No more talking, people - let's get busy with the doing. I ask for your support, send me to the US Senate to replace an equally complicit Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen - as well as the entirety of the Biden administration - in these genocidal war crimes against our human family. She flew half way around the world to Western Asia just days after the Hamas prison break from their open-air prison - to sit at Apartheid [state] Israel's War Council - to lend her unwavering support to their genocidal war crimes they'd planned to commit against an innocent and unarmed civilian population in the Gaza Strip.
Learn of Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen's complicity in this genocidal insanity. Her hands are as bloody as the four of theirs are - up to her elbows, and all the waters of the world couldn't clean them.
Senator Jacky Rosen needs to sit in the Israeli Knesset, not the Congress of the United States of America. (here).