They broke it, they bought it - it's that simple.I am certain that you didn't move to Nevada to live atop a nuclear waste trash landfill - I certainly didn't. This isn't just one person's failure it's a collective purposeful failure of Nevada's entire Congressional delegation - all 6 of them, along with our state and local leadership, Governor Sisolak (who has the power to call out the Nevada National Guard to stop the train on the tracks transporting this filth at the Nevada border).
If you think Joe Manchin behaves badly to get what he wants I'll make him look like a choir boy - I'll hold up funding, judicial confirmations, ambassadorship's - I'll grind major legislation to a complete standstill. In politics, there are times when one has to get down in the f****in' mud with the elephants (and the donkeys) to get things done - this is one of those times.
Follow The Money - Catherine Cortez-Masto - Energy & Natural Resources - $166,367
Every Congress-person in America sits on several committees for oversight of all government agencies. Congresswoman Dina Titus sits on Homeland Security and other subcommittees (Transportation and Infrastructure - https://titus.house.gov/media-center/legislation/committees) that would be well aware of the Department of Energy's multi-decades long quests to use Nevada as the nation's nuclear trash dumping site.
My buyer's remorse of Governor Sisolak grows ever stronger by the day - he just doesn't get this idea of leadership. He has at his immediate disposal the Nevada National Guard - he could have stopped these nuclear waste shipments from entering the state, turned them right around and sent it all back to Tennessee - they made it, they keep it - period.
https://www.ktnv.com/news/radioactive-waste-quietly-stored-in-nevada-desert (Feb. 2022)