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......."Any man`s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.  And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."  Except from, No Man Is An Island - John Dunne


There isn't a 'project' (what zionism - lowercase - is - a 'project') a polity is the history of our human family as vile - morally reprehensible as zionism.  Let it be known that's what Allen Rheinhart thinks of the project that is zionist project.  

For a more perfect vision please review this documentary in its entirety. 



A new paradigm: settler colonialism

The permanent settlement of colonists in an occupied land is the main feature… The settler colonialists establish and enforce state sovereignty and juridical control over the indigenous land, ultimately aiming to eliminate the native people. The natives become extraneous while the settlers are cast as natives through different political mechanisms, ideological constructs, and social narratives. The indigenous land is described as terra nullius, empty or barren land that is just waiting to be discovered, thus becoming the private property of the settlers. The native people are depicted with racist constructs as savage, violent terrorists, while the settlers are portrayed as the civilized and brave pioneers. To defend the settled property from the savage, a police state is created and is granted extraordinary power over the native people…. - Mitri Raheb - is an accomplished theologian, Palestinian Arab and Christian pastor.

As Americans, we MUST educate ourselves to this very uncomplicated issue in order to demand our government end all support for Apartheid Israel. What's happening there is a crime against our human family, a crime against peace and our government's participation must end - now.  Not another weapons system to aid in their murderous campaign against innocent Palestinians,not another nickel of our tax dollars to their genocidal rampage. Our continued participation makes us all equally as criminal as they are.  Send me to the senate to replace Senator Jack Rosen,who has rubber stamped the Israeli government's plans to erase the indigenous people of the land from the earth.  Back in 2017,as a congresswoman she co-sponsored legislation to put an American citizen in prison for 20 years for supporting the #BDS movement.  Senator Rosen needs to be in the Israeli Knesset, not a senator in the U.S Senate. 

Both of my social media outlets of X and Facebook have been "permanently suspended" because of my political views regarding Palestine.   I've asked why and have yet to get a coherent answer.  I consider the reason for the suspension to be a badge of honor.  To make my views perfectly clear - Zionists are to me as low as 1920's Southern klansmen/women at the height of lynchings of black people in the south - there isn't a dime's worth of difference between them.  From the mouth of the former head of Mossad - "Israel is an Apartheid State"


Committee to Elect Allen Rheinhart
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