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SmartStop Self Storage Theft of Property - Beware of Employee Theft of Property 

I know what you did, you know what you did to me, now all of America - in particular all of The Las Vegas Valley citizenry will know what you did if I don't get back "every single' stitch of my property that stolen from me and sold for a pittance.

I was never sent a notice of sale-period like all the other times before. I was sent on the 16th an invoice, that was all I got.  What was stolen from me I'm going to take out of your business model for years on end - I'll hire sign twirlers to stand out in front of your businesses, make flyers, cards, I'll do Tik-Tok, Facebook, Instagram videos for 'years' on end - and best of all  (worst of all for smartstop) I've got the entire voter lists of every registered voter in Nevada to robocall/robotext/emails for pennies per call - until I've taken from your business model in the hundreds of thousands - millions hopefully. I'll recon the business model and hit where it does the most fiscal damage for years to come - stay tuned.  

You think I'm powerless and will just walk away from all you've stolen from me - ok, you brace for impact. 

Let's see how well your business model handles the damage you did to my life selling my belongings for pennies coming back at you.   It was nothing more than common thievery - done for pennies.   I'll remove this text and put the entire story here and let all of the nation know of your criminal tactics. 

I'll get everything stolen from me back or I'll get satisfaction if it takes 10 years doing it.   We'll see how investors and potential storage unit renters feel about taking a chance with smartstop's business practices. I'm sure that the robocall/robotext/email company I once used has the voter registry for every state in the union.   

You're going to rue the day that you stole everything in that storage unit. 

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