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The sad history of Asian hatred & ethnic violence in the un-United States of America


There has always been a deep hatred in our American Republic, especially for the so-called, "Chinaman."  The history of our republic is replete with social rules and instantaneously ratified exclusionary laws specifically enacted for Asians from China.  The speed of their enactment is stupefying.  The Chinese Exclusion Act (which lasted 70 years - until 1952) was the first – and remains the only – law to have been implemented to prevent all members of a 'specific ethnic or national group' from immigrating to the United States.

I was once told of an immigrant (low life) Irishman who murdered an Asian man in cold blood in Reno, Nevada in the early 1900's in broad daylight and he never did a day in a prison - were he belonged.  His warped logic told him that by murdering an Asian he'll be readily accepted into whiteness and not looked down upon by the Nativist who regarded the newly arrived Irish immigrants as not worthy of a place at the table of white people. 
Covid-19 was but an excuse to unleash what was always present in American society.  Even blaming the nation of China for it (and entirely without a shred of proof provided) wasn't unexpected. 
The deep enmity towards the Chinese immigrants (who almost exclusively build the railroads of this nation (at great personal expense) made it easy for the later internment of the American Japanese populace during WWII. Such is the manner of American styled ethnic hatred. 
All the recent acts of unmitigated violence we see from coast-to-coast on Asians (for me some of the saddest of these attacks are black people attacking another person of color) against our Asian sisters and brothers is horrifyingly on the rise.  I'll put forward legislation exclusively aimed at attacks on Asians, be they American-born or otherwise (a mere visitor) with "mandatory minimum prison sentences" - that we may prevent its repetition.
But, the law won't change the mindset of millions of haters of Asians, but the appropriate punishment should be awaiting all bad actors.  Had I caught this particular piece of garbage in the act he commits (here), jail would have been the very last of his problems - he'd have never made it to court.


作為2024年內華達州美國參議員候選人,我謹向美國華裔社區表達萊因哈特家族對新來華裔絕對不合理的待遇的衷心歉意這些人在19 世紀末為了更好的生活而來到美國,卻遭到了白人社會的惡毒仇恨。

美國總統尚未就國會制定、總統簽署成為法律的法律以及具體針對華人的待遇道歉(無論在美國歷史上如此晚的情況下多麼空洞) [獨家]其他美國人的言論證明了2024年對華人仍然存在的頑固的種族仇恨。

  就我個人而言,我發現美國城市中每一個所謂的“唐人街”地區都是一種侮辱- 無非是想傳達這條很久以前為中國人“了解自己的位置”而建立的“分界線”的惡意嘗試。並留在其中」。


在Covid-19全球流行期間,我們在全國範圍內目睹了針對亞裔的暴力襲擊,這只是台灣與中國大陸統一「即將發生」的預演。 當我們談論西方國家(七國集團)和中華人民共和國政府之間的軍事衝突時,舞台正在搭建 - 因此,請做好對您的社區/生活產生影響的準備。

我希望這個 [google] 翻譯足夠準確以理解我的意思?


No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”  - John Dunne

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